Sobre os acontecimentos de ontem cito as palavras da jornalista independente e repórter de guerra Vanessa Beeley e do Politico Republicano Libertário Ron Paul
Vanessa - “I dont apologise for feeling angry that the blood of innocents in Damascus, Ukraine and Yemen is allowed to pool in the gutter with no mention from our UK state media. No condemnation of the terrorism, our regimes have created, promoted and inflicted upon the world. There is no BBC 24 hour coverage of the torn body parts, mutilated children and relatives screaming in pain and loss when they find their loved ones among the charred remains of another UK bomb or US supplied grad missile. No close up of the twisted corpses, ripped apart by a UK supported suicide bomber, as they are piled up in the back of a truck.
No, we call this monster a "rebel" and celebrate his "advances"
I grieve any loss of life but I abhor hypocrisy. Lives that were lost yesterday, in London, are as a direct result of the same terrorism that brings daily horror to Damascus and it resides in our halls of power and among the chosen allies of the UK regime. Above all, it crawls & breathes, among us, in the terror cells, incubated and nurtured by our state and deep state actors, on UK soil, before being despatched to massacre more innocents in Syria or Iraq.
Yesterday, when the beast bit the hand that fed it, the terrorism chief fled her post with an armed guard and left her civilians to be massacred. They betray you, and betray humanity, on a daily basis, yet you attack me for pointing it out to you?”
Ron Paul - "If you hit someone and kill their family, they will hate you and probably hit you back in the future.
That’s what blowback is all about. It seems like such a simple concept, but many of my opponents vehemently denied its validity.
They proclaim that what our military does abroad has no effect on how the citizens of the world feel towards us. The 9/11 terrorists hated our wealth and freedom so intensely that they sacrificed their lives to prove it? (Of course, our government bombing their countries, propping up their dictators and supplying their enemies with money and weapons had nothing to do with it…)
Instead of securing our borders, we’ve been planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression. Our military is spread thin all across the planet, yet we remain involved in dangerous power plays that unnecessarily put the lives of our soldiers at risk. And we brazenly squandered the wealth of our nation as if there were no tomorrow.
It doesn’t make any sense unless you consider increasing the profits of the military-industrial complex to be in the “national interest”, no matter what the cost to the rest of us may be."
Doravante nada mais há a fazer que não seja; 1) Não aceitar esta realidade, não ser conformista 2) não pactuar com ninguém que nos diga que isto tem de ser assim 3) Formar as nossas crianças nos valores da liberdade, propriedade e paz 4) Estar preparado para se defender de quem nos atacar aqui 5) Deixar de atacar os que longe daqui nada têm a ver com isto.
Doravante nada mais há a fazer que não seja; 1) Não aceitar esta realidade, não ser conformista 2) não pactuar com ninguém que nos diga que isto tem de ser assim 3) Formar as nossas crianças nos valores da liberdade, propriedade e paz 4) Estar preparado para se defender de quem nos atacar aqui 5) Deixar de atacar os que longe daqui nada têm a ver com isto.
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